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The PROOF (Positive Reality Or Only Figment) investigation team was featured in the book Encyclopedia of Haunted Places: Ghostly Locales from Around the World

Of the many investigations conducted by PROOF Paranormal were a series at the famous Indianapolis haunted mansion known as The Hannah House, where the group hosted tours and overnight stays. During one investigation the team captured a video of a self-illuminated floating ball of light. The camera in use was a conventional tape based unit recording in a very dark room. The original intention was to leave a lamp on as a light source, but the lamp was never turned on. Thus there was no infrared camera in use that could have lit up a piece of dust or a bug in the viewfinder. Nor was there any possibility that it was an out of focus lighting bug, as it was the dead of winter. All investigators and home owners involved claimed to have never entered the room during the investigation. The team tried to recreate the anomaly with the various types of flashlights on hand to no avail. The investigator and/or parts of the room were always lit up in the attempted recreations and the light didn't look the same in general.

Piano keys being played were heard, only to later find out the piano in the home did not work. Whistling was heard in a hallway where no one else was near. A Class A EVPs was also captured in the home as well, which answered "yes" (in a robotic sounding voice) to either one of two questions asked to close together... Is there a god? Do you believe in ghosts? This query ironically was captured by one of the more skeptical investigators, who was very surprised to actually get an answer and was certain no one had hoaxed him!

Another fruitful investigation for PROOF was a location featured in a book on Indiana hauntings known as the Innes Mansion. The full bodied apparition of a male child was reported by the residents of the home. During the team's investigation a voice was captured on tape that sounded to many who heard it to clearly be a Class A variety EVP of a male child, intelligently answering the question of whether his picture could be taken with the response "I think.". There were no children present in the home.

Stepp Cemetery – Martinsville

Haunted Indiana - Occult World

Stepp Cemetery has a long reputation for being haunted. Today, the grounds are tucked away five miles inside the dark Morgan-Monroe State Forest. The cemetery was originally a pioneer cemetery started in the early 1800s.
Locals tell the sad story of a woman who tragically lost her baby son during the mid-1930s and had the baby buried in the nearby Stepp Cemetery.
She then became a recluse, spending most of her time at the cemetery watching over her baby’s grave and singing to it. She, too, eventually passed on, and that is when the accounts of ghosts began to roll in.
Around the mid- 1950s, visitors to the cemetery began to report seeing a woman in black sitting on a tree stump in the cemetery near a baby’s grave. People would witness her sitting there one second and being gone the next.
Rangers have said they’ve heard the cry of a woman in the woods, but upon inspection, they found nothing. Also, there have been reports of a black ghost dog, watching over the baby’s grave and protecting it.
Being five miles back into a huge, dense forest doesn’t always make for the easiest investigation of a two-century-old cemetery. PROOF Paranormal had seen photos of a gate in front of the path to the cemetery and we were thrown off a bit because there are actually two almost identical gates that are about a quarter mile from each other.
At the second/correct gate that marks the path to Stepp Cemetery, we proceeded down the path for about 200 yards or so before we started seeing the first of the headstones. History and possible hauntings aside, this place is very impressive. A feeling of walking back into the past is in the air as you stroll into the clearing deep within the woods.
During a second investigation of Stepp Cemetery, we captured a strange, red glow in one of our numerous photos. Strange noises were heard throughout the investigation, as well as several footsteps passing by at least one member. This was, interestingly enough, in the same area of the cemetery as we had previously experienced a cold spot.
Maybe we were hearing the infamous Black Lady on her nightly walk to her favorite spot by the child’s grave?
STEPP cemetery
Last updated: July 4, 2014 at 10:08 am
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About The Author

Justin Hammans and John-Michael – Talboo Co-Founders, PROOF Paranormal
Edited for the Web by Occult World

PROOF investigator JM Talboo has a diploma in paranormal studies from Flamel College and is the administrator of the site:
